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We grew up on a Midwest grain-livestock operation, loved working with the animals, but wasn't a big fan of spending too much time on a tractor. In 1996 we got married, had 4 children and some of them are now returning back to the land with us.
We run mostly stocker cattle, but do have some cows, sows, pigs, sheep, chickens and guard dogs. We also have ducks, geese, guineas, peacocks and goats from time to time.
We have always done things different than most of our neighbors, and probably make our fair share of the coffee shop talk, but that gets folks thinking, we hope.
Livestock is a tough business. It takes a lot of operating capital, which means long unscheduled hours. We work 7 days a week, someone always has to tend the stock, they don't take the weekends or Christmas off. However, we find it more rewarding when working with a beating heart and usually a smiling face.